{-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
module GHC.Foreign (
) where
import Foreign.Marshal.Array
import Foreign.C.Types
import Foreign.Ptr
import Foreign.Storable
import Data.Word
import Data.Tuple (fst)
import GHC.Show ( show )
import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc
import Foreign.ForeignPtr
import GHC.Debug
import GHC.List
import GHC.Num
import GHC.Base
import GHC.IO
import GHC.IO.Exception
import GHC.IO.Buffer
import GHC.IO.Encoding.Types
c_DEBUG_DUMP :: Bool
c_DEBUG_DUMP = False
putDebugMsg :: String -> IO ()
putDebugMsg | c_DEBUG_DUMP = debugLn
| otherwise = const (return ())
type CString = Ptr CChar
type CStringLen = (Ptr CChar, Int)
peekCString :: TextEncoding -> CString -> IO String
peekCString enc cp = do
sz <- lengthArray0 nUL cp
peekEncodedCString enc (cp, sz * cCharSize)
peekCStringLen :: TextEncoding -> CStringLen -> IO String
peekCStringLen = peekEncodedCString
newCString :: TextEncoding -> String -> IO CString
newCString enc = liftM fst . newEncodedCString enc True
newCStringLen :: TextEncoding -> String -> IO CStringLen
newCStringLen enc = newEncodedCString enc False
withCString :: TextEncoding -> String -> (CString -> IO a) -> IO a
withCString enc s act = withEncodedCString enc True s $ \(cp, _sz) -> act cp
withCStringLen :: TextEncoding -> String -> (CStringLen -> IO a) -> IO a
withCStringLen enc = withEncodedCString enc False
withCStringsLen :: TextEncoding
-> [String]
-> (Int -> Ptr CString -> IO a)
-> IO a
withCStringsLen enc strs f = go [] strs
go cs (s:ss) = withCString enc s $ \c -> go (c:cs) ss
go cs [] = withArrayLen (reverse cs) f
charIsRepresentable :: TextEncoding -> Char -> IO Bool
charIsRepresentable !enc c =
withCString enc [c]
(\cstr -> do str <- peekCString enc cstr
case str of
[ch] | ch == c -> pure True
_ -> pure False)
\(_ :: IOException) -> pure False
nUL :: CChar
nUL = 0
cCharSize :: Int
cCharSize = sizeOf (undefined :: CChar)
{-# INLINE peekEncodedCString #-}
peekEncodedCString :: TextEncoding
-> CStringLen
-> IO String
peekEncodedCString (TextEncoding { mkTextDecoder = mk_decoder }) (p, sz_bytes)
= bracket mk_decoder close $ \decoder -> do
let chunk_size = sz_bytes `max` 1
from0 <- fmap (\fp -> bufferAdd sz_bytes (emptyBuffer fp sz_bytes ReadBuffer)) $ newForeignPtr_ (castPtr p)
to <- newCharBuffer chunk_size WriteBuffer
let go !iteration from = do
(why, from', to') <- encode decoder from to
if isEmptyBuffer from'
withBuffer to' $ peekArray (bufferElems to')
else do
putDebugMsg ("peekEncodedCString: " ++ show iteration ++ " " ++ show why)
(from'', to'') <- case why of InvalidSequence -> recover decoder from' to'
InputUnderflow -> recover decoder from' to'
OutputUnderflow -> return (from', to')
putDebugMsg ("peekEncodedCString: from " ++ summaryBuffer from ++ " " ++ summaryBuffer from' ++ " " ++ summaryBuffer from'')
putDebugMsg ("peekEncodedCString: to " ++ summaryBuffer to ++ " " ++ summaryBuffer to' ++ " " ++ summaryBuffer to'')
to_chars <- withBuffer to'' $ peekArray (bufferElems to'')
fmap (to_chars++) $ go (iteration + 1) from''
go (0 :: Int) from0
{-# INLINE withEncodedCString #-}
withEncodedCString :: TextEncoding
-> Bool
-> String
-> (CStringLen -> IO a)
-> IO a
withEncodedCString (TextEncoding { mkTextEncoder = mk_encoder }) null_terminate s act
= bracket mk_encoder close $ \encoder -> withArrayLen s $ \sz p -> do
from <- fmap (\fp -> bufferAdd sz (emptyBuffer fp sz ReadBuffer)) $ newForeignPtr_ p
let go !iteration to_sz_bytes = do
putDebugMsg ("withEncodedCString: " ++ show iteration)
allocaBytes to_sz_bytes $ \to_p -> do
mb_res <- tryFillBufferAndCall encoder null_terminate from to_p to_sz_bytes act
case mb_res of
Nothing -> go (iteration + 1) (to_sz_bytes * 2)
Just res -> return res
go (0 :: Int) (cCharSize * (sz + 1))
{-# INLINE newEncodedCString #-}
newEncodedCString :: TextEncoding
-> Bool
-> String
-> IO CStringLen
newEncodedCString (TextEncoding { mkTextEncoder = mk_encoder }) null_terminate s
= bracket mk_encoder close $ \encoder -> withArrayLen s $ \sz p -> do
from <- fmap (\fp -> bufferAdd sz (emptyBuffer fp sz ReadBuffer)) $ newForeignPtr_ p
let go !iteration to_p to_sz_bytes = do
putDebugMsg ("newEncodedCString: " ++ show iteration)
mb_res <- tryFillBufferAndCall encoder null_terminate from to_p to_sz_bytes return
case mb_res of
Nothing -> do
let to_sz_bytes' = to_sz_bytes * 2
to_p' <- reallocBytes to_p to_sz_bytes'
go (iteration + 1) to_p' to_sz_bytes'
Just res -> return res
let to_sz_bytes = cCharSize * (sz + 1)
to_p <- mallocBytes to_sz_bytes
go (0 :: Int) to_p to_sz_bytes
tryFillBufferAndCall :: TextEncoder dstate -> Bool -> Buffer Char -> Ptr Word8 -> Int
-> (CStringLen -> IO a) -> IO (Maybe a)
tryFillBufferAndCall encoder null_terminate from0 to_p to_sz_bytes act = do
to_fp <- newForeignPtr_ to_p
go (0 :: Int) (from0, emptyBuffer to_fp to_sz_bytes WriteBuffer)
go !iteration (from, to) = do
(why, from', to') <- encode encoder from to
putDebugMsg ("tryFillBufferAndCall: " ++ show iteration ++ " " ++ show why ++ " " ++ summaryBuffer from ++ " " ++ summaryBuffer from')
if isEmptyBuffer from'
then if null_terminate && bufferAvailable to' == 0
then return Nothing
else do
let bytes = bufferElems to'
withBuffer to' $ \to_ptr -> do
when null_terminate $ pokeElemOff to_ptr (bufR to') 0
fmap Just $ act (castPtr to_ptr, bytes)
else case why of
InputUnderflow -> recover encoder from' to' >>= go (iteration + 1)
InvalidSequence -> recover encoder from' to' >>= go (iteration + 1)
OutputUnderflow -> return Nothing